[Fot] CHRIS MARX' VITON REAR CRANK SEAL- 20 pieces in the mail

n197tr4 at cs.com n197tr4 at cs.com
Fri Sep 3 07:08:46 MDT 2010

Chris says the seals are in the mail from Germany to Jesup.

There are 20 of them, until the next shipment

Those who have already paid may have to nudge me.

I think 10 are spoken for already

The last cost number I got from Chris was $66. No mark up here.


Modified Scroll Seals are available on an exchange basis from me.

The new Scroll Seal Centering tool with correct dimensions is also available
from me.

The Scroll Seal Centering tool will also be available through major
distributors like BPNW

Picture of centering tool  is at:     photobucket.com/ambro


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