[Fot] Fw: SFR Vintage Thunderhill Sept. 11-12

Tim Pettenati tpettenati at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 1 12:36:58 MDT 2010


Looks like San Fran SCCA could use a few more entries, and are waving the

You can also run on Friday Sept 10 with Hooked On Driving in their
race prepped 
Using gift code "SCCA2010", drops the entry fee -$45 to
$240 for the Friday.  
See link below.

I'm planing on taking the Spit, wife
is driving.  Anyone else going?


----- Forwarded Message ----
Subject: SFR Vintage Classic Schedule & Entry Form Now Available

The  SFR
Vintage Classic Sports Car Festival is less than two weeks away 
- - September
11-12 at Thunderhill Park. 
There is still plenty of room in all five

Group 1     Small Bore Production 
Group 2     T/A 2.5 Challenge
3     Small Bore Formula and Sport Racer
Group 4     Historic Stock CarGroup 5
    Big Bore  
In fact, we really need at least five more entries in each
group to insure good 
racing for drivers, workers and spectators alike. If you
have a friend who 
hasn't entered yet, encourage them to come out and join the

SFR is waiving the late fee for all entries received prior to the

You will find the entry form, schedule and event regulations on
the September 
11-12 calendar page on www.sfrscca.org
Here are the direct
links to:

Vintage Entry Form

 September 11-12 Schedule


There is also an option for Friday practice time with Hooked on
Driving. See 
September 10 Info

If you have already entered, your acceptance
letter with complete event 
information will be emailed to you on Thursday,
September 2. Be sure to read the 
letter! Some schedule changes may be made if
entries remain at their current 

For information on car eligibility or
car-related questions:
Bill Godwin, Vintage Chief - Call (925) 200-7722
vintage at sfrscca.org 
For entry information or assistance:
Region Office -
888-995-7222office at sfrscca.org

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