[Fot] Hey Mark!!

Mark J Bradakis mark at bradakis.com
Wed Oct 27 23:58:30 MDT 2010

First off, let me apologize for the delay.  I've gotten WAY behind
in a number of things, many related to Triumphs, both real and
virtual.  Sorry folks, but I will be working on getting caught up
on things.

Bill Babcock wrote:
> Why do I keep getting messages truncated after the first paragraph?

Most likely it is the demime filter that each Team.Net message
passes through before getting sent to the list.  The filter I am
using currently seems to have some other issues.  One of these
days I plan to try out using the demime filters built into Mailman.
For those who don't know, the filters turn HTML formatted mail
into plain text, strip attachments and such.  I feel that is needed
on all the email lists, it isn't an issue with forum posts.

But at the moment I have other priorities demanding my time, so
it might be a while.  Maybe the FOT list will be a good testing ground
when I do get to it.


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