[Fot] TR2-3 improved oil pick up tutorial

Bill Babcock billb at bnj.com
Fri Oct 22 10:47:40 MDT 2010

Hi Alexandre,
I'd like a copy of the .pdf -- and yes, the list server will zap the
attachment. You can embed a link to it instead, if you send me a copy I'll set
that up for you.
On Oct 22, 2010, at 2:49 AM, Alexandre Camoletti wrote:

> Gentlemen,
> Just got from Kevin Johnson (Ishihara Johnson Crank scrapers
> www.crank-scrapers.com ) an interesting and very useful tutorial on how to
> use an oil pick up from the Dodge/Chevy 2.5 block which Kevin very kindly
> drew up on my request.
> Idea is to take the head of the Chevy stock item and solder it on our
> standard oil pick up in order to get a vertical pick up and no longer
> horizontal, and therefore improving notably the G rating of the sump, while
> having a reliable mesh (the standard one gets holed very often)
> Here it is in pdf. I do not know if the pdf file will go through though, as
> it is 1.7 meg.
> If not, can someone tell me how to proceed to make the file viewable to the
> members of the FOT?
> I will do the mod on the engine I am currently building.
> Cheers!
> Alex
> [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pdf which had a name
of OilPickUpImprovementColor.pdf]
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