[Fot] wheel studs TR6

WILLIAM TOBIN william.tobin3 at verizon.net
Sun Oct 3 10:18:45 MDT 2010

  Almost forgot: I'm still using 7/16 lugs/nuts. None of that furrin metric
crap on my car!!!!
  It's just easier to stay standard threads; only one set of taps/dies to
carry around.
  Bill---- Original Message -----
  From: "Walter Hollowell" <walt at hot-tr6.com>
  To: <fot at autox.team.net>
  Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2010 1:34 PM
  Subject: [Fot] wheel studs TR6

  > On my TR6 racecar I am using 6mm wheel spacers on the front with 15X6
  > Panasport wheels.  I am concerned that the stock wheel studs don't reach
  > enough
  > into the wheel nuts. Do any FOT members have any ideas about a source of
  > longer studs and optional wheel nuts for this application.
  > Thanks
  > Walt Hollowell
  > Abq., NM
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