[Fot] Grill badge update 10-29-2010

Christopher Bock SeaCubeCo at aol.com
Fri Oct 29 06:27:05 MDT 2010


Today is Friday and I have news!  There is only the weekend to decide if you
want one or not!   But that isn't all the news I have.  I will be getting the
first sample badge this weekend. I will have actual pictures and I will be
posting a video on YouTube of it Monday night.

There are 74 badges sold do far.

I am pushing the deadline to Wednesday at 9am!   That should give everyone
time to see the video and ask for pictures.  I don't have a place to host the
pics so just ask for them if you want them.

Payment is paypal  (SeaCubeCo at aol.com) or mail (Chris Bock, 3630 Italia ave,
Vineland, NJ 08361). If mailing please let me know so i can have an accurate


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