[Fot] Oil Cooler cleaning

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Sat Nov 13 22:08:31 MST 2010

Compare the price of a new oil cooler with the price of a new 
motor.  I'd have to ask myself if I'm willing to take a chance to 
save a hundred or two $.

Seems a shame to throw away a new cooler, but they are virtually 
impossible to get completely clean, unfortunately.

- Tony Drews

At 09:28 PM 11/13/2010, Mike Mehl wrote:
>Since this year my engines seem to last only one weekend I seem to be
>accumulating Seatrab oil coolers.  Is there a suggested way to clean them
>blowing and engine or should I spend the money with a new one.  I built
>hoses too.  I am going to puck the hoses clean so that is not an issue.
>Any imput would be great.
>Mike Mehl #46 TR4

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