[Fot] Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing just adopted the 1981 GCR

Bob Kramer rkramer3 at austin.rr.com
Sat Nov 13 08:50:41 MST 2010

That is very interesting and if this is a trend that other racing clubs pick
up on it'll add a new dynamic to our racing. One of the nicer concepts of
vintage racing is that we are or were all supposed to be building our cars to
a point in time, with period correct parts. When we got together from the far
reaches we can have at it with pretty comparable cars. If RMVR is going to
push a Mikuni'd carbureted, fiberglassed fendered MGB into GT-1 and it means
that the productiuon classes are going to be purer to that point in time, than
I think these new classes are a good thing.

I race in CVAR and we don't have issues with declining registrations so I
don't see us adding to the years of eligibility any time soon. We do have the
same problem that many clubs have with cars that are built well beyond the
club's rules, which in our case is the 1972 GCR. In reading the RMVR webpage
it was clear that both declining attendance and figuring out what to do with
cars that were built to a modern standard drove their decision to add the 1981

When I started I saw the firm rules as a good way to have competitive racing
while being able to control the effects of throwing dollars at the cars. I
started with a 5 grand TR3. I couldn't have afforded to go racing any other
way. There was only so much you could do with the 1972 technology. I've been
at it for fifteen years now and unfortunately the state of vintage racing
these days has changed. Now we have 10,000 rpm / $10,000.00 motors in small
bore cars all over the place. I guess those guys would want to go to GT-1 with
their cars too. Then they can put on flares and slicks to match the rest of
the car. I see this as a good outcome.

Bob Kramer
Volente, TX

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch
Vince Lombardi
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: toodamnfunky at comcast.net
  To: Bob Kramer
  Cc: Mark Pendergrass ; N197TR4 at cs.com ; fot at autox.team.net
  Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2010 6:11 PM
  Subject: Re: [Fot] Intent to ENTER LAGUNA SECA Kastner Cup Series #9

  Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing just adopted the 1981 GCR. The hope is to

  attract cars that are no longer competetive in SCCA/NASA but not elegible

  for current vintage rules and get them on track again.

  We have our own exceptions to the '81 GCR but not many. '81 GCR cars will

  have thier own classification such as DP-1, HP-1, etc.

  For cars that don't fit at all we have an exhibition class which people are

  to race twice a year. As an example of the differences between clubs, TR-4's

  RMVR don't get to run Webers but the Spridgets and MG's do.

  Hence my " cheater" mikunis.

  If I had it my way there would be a 2.5L FPF Coventry Climax in mine.

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