[Fot] More help needed on HS6 hesitation 1962 TR4

Mike Mehl mike.mehl at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 27 15:10:17 MDT 2010

I adjusted the floats to 1/8".  Ran the car.  It just dies on a left hand
turn.   It runs great on a right hand turn and a straight line. 
From: Mike Mehl <mike.mehl at yahoo.com>
Triumph Friends of <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Sun, June 27, 2010 12:08:50 PM
Subject: [Fot] More help needed on HS6 hesitation 1962 TR4

Here is what I
have done with some great input from several FOT folks.  I am
narrowing down
the problems some what.  
Here is what I have done. As they say
start from a
measurable starting point.
    * checked points and timing
the needles (the front carb was sticking - fixed now)
    * changed
from gross
jets to needles supplied from Joe Curto
    * set the floats to 3/16"
installed vent lines
car runs great in a straight line.  It seems to be
loading up on left hand turns.  I am attaching a photo of the carb set up.
Based on the many FOT posts on re positioning the floats should i do that
next.  It loaded up so badly the car stopped.  Should i change the float
levels to 1/8".  I am I missing something obvious??  I am trying to sort as
much of this out as I can before I go to Seattle Thursday for the Historics.
Thanks for any input.

Mike Mehl

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