[Fot] the danger of fire and cool shirt systems

Jim Gambony jgambony at gcecisp.com
Mon Jun 14 20:13:22 MDT 2010

That sounds more like a hose routing issue..not insurmountable.
Then again, I guess I'm a masochist.   Afterall, I moved to Dallas
voluntarily from the east coast (you need to experience a DC summer to
understand humidity) 20 years ago and now drive around in a car without a/c
during the summer.    Good training for vintage racing.


From: Scott Janzen [mailto:s.janzen at comcast.net] 
Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:04 PM
To: Jim Gambony
Cc: ''Friends of Triumph' Triumph'
Subject: Re: [Fot] the danger of fire and cool shirt systems

'fraid somebody beat you to it.
http://www.coolshirt.net/racing-cool-air-system.html  However, I tried one
of the ventilation systems once w/o the cooler, and found that the
corrugated hose to the helmet tended to get hung up on the edge of my
aluminum seat, etc - really limited head movement. 

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