[Fot] That was unusual

n197tr4 at cs.com n197tr4 at cs.com
Wed Jun 9 06:52:16 MDT 2010

You have to come to Topeka. You are a VIP.

Joe A

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark J Bradakis <mark at bradakis.com>
To: 'Friends of Triumph' <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tue, Jun 8, 2010 10:50 pm
Subject: [Fot] That was unusual

I received something today that I have not seen for a while.

A paycheck.

The amount was pretty modest, since it only covered a couple of days.
But I took a job as a parts driver for the local Parts Plus distributor a
week or so back. The pay sucks, the benefits are non-existent and I
am spending a lot of money on gas. I'm driving around the Salt Lake
valley to the tune of about 200 miles a day. I wish the CRV got 250
miles to the gallon instead of 25 - spare change for gas money, anyone?

At least I can get anything the warehouse sells for wholesale, and the
Honda is due for an oil change. And Frank Edwards carries a lot of
stuff, so I'm able to save a few bucks on many things I need.

We'll see how long it lasts. It is basically brainless work, a smarter than
average chimpanzee could handle most of it, my Master's degree in
Computer Science is not exactly called into play here. But it gets me
out of the house so I don't spend all day frumping and fretting at the

But with all the driving I do I may not be inclined to drive to Topeka
this August as I planned. I may fly in, but then again by August my
body may be so contoured to match the CRV driver's seat I'll have
no choice...

fot at autox.team.net


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