[Fot] Videos from Brands Hatch and Silverstone in the UK

Keith Files keithfiles at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 29 16:11:54 MDT 2010

Dear All,

Thought that you might want to see some good old Brit vintage racing....

My 19 year old son Josh is racing his red/silver TR6 and a fellow racer, Jon
Ellison is racing his yellow TR6 in the Thoroughbred Sports Car
Championship; you get to see the same races with in-car from both cars. 

Cheers, Keith.

Brands from yellow TR6 http://www.blip.tv/file/3471210 

Brands from red TR6 http://www.blip.tv/file/3742656

Silv HGP from yellow TR6  http://jrellison.blip.tv/file/3722914/

Silv HGP from red TR6 http://blip.tv/file/3757561

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