[Fot] FOT: Commerical Posts - YES or NO?

Bobby Whitehead igofaster at att.net
Tue Jul 27 18:20:23 MDT 2010

So.... if I recommended Quantum Mechanics for our transmissions and the 
forgiving and honorable efforts made by them to get something that I can 
actually use, is that OK? I've mentioned all my problems with John @ Quantum 
Mechanics and he has responded with grace, competitiveness, and warranty work on 
blown gearboxes. All on FoT.

While we're at it, I just got a set of Mikuni carb's for my GT6 from Chris at 
prirace.com   .... bad ass stuff and THIS guy really appears to know what he's 
doing... Check out HIS website... and no, the only financial benefit to me is 
I'm sending him money for really nice stuff...

Bobby Whitehead

From: Justin Wagner <jmwagner at greenheart.com>
To: Friends of Triumph <fot at autox.team.net>
Sent: Tue, July 27, 2010 2:50:18 PM
Subject: [Fot] FOT:  Commerical Posts  - YES or NO?


In private email, I've been accused by a member of "posting trash" by sharing 
news that this guy I met at a car show has developed a product, as a result of 
my encouragement, for TR's.  

He also accused me of likely having a financial interest in making the post.  (I 
do not.)

He made it clear that such posts do not have a place on FOT and promised to call 
me on any future posts of the same ilk.

He was also bitter that I had not coordinated some sort of discount for FOT or 
even some free products for members, to see if they will, indeed, fit and work 
on their cars.   (Considering that the developer was probably only able to check 
to see if it fit a stock car with stock wheels, and probably not all of the 
Triumph range.)  Never mind, that all I was doing was drawing members' attention 
to a web site and a potential product that might provide a competitive edge.  I 
never claimed to be directly working with the seller.

Personally, I just saw a product that looked good and was happy to see that the 
developer had taken my lead and is trying to make them available for our small 
niche market.

I pointed my finger at his web site and provided a means of contacting the 
president of the company.  From my perspective, all of you were welcome to 
evaluate the information on his web site and make direct contact with the vender 
if you had questions or wanted some consideration for trying it out on an 
unknown wheel size, etc.  I'm not part of that loop and I don't care to be.

I made no personal claims about the product other than sharing that I was 
impressed enough by his display at a show to encourage him to make the product 
for our cars.  Even Kas commented  "Looks like a good piece if it clears 
everything."  upon looking at the website.  So he saw promise in the product as 
I did.   When my TR4A is back on the road, I will give the product a try.

So I have some questions for the group....

Was my post inappropriate?

In the future, if a member comes across a cool looking product, should he keep 
it to himself or only share it in private e-mails to friends?  (As opposed to 
"Friends of Triumphs"???)

If a member comes across a cool product, should he only bring it to the 
attention to the group, if, in his own time, he has personally tested the 
product and/or has managed to broker some special deal for FOT to get them at a 
discount?  Is that the duty of a member here and the rule of the day for making 
such posts?

It has blown my mind, on the newsgroups over the years, the issues that bring 
people to post vile responses to an innocent post or send private nasty-grams in 

I was always cautious about selling my gaskets on the newsgroup and have always 
kept my posts (regarding my own products) minimal.  Unlike many, I don't even 
put a link to my website at the bottom of my posts.   However, my experience in 
developing those gaskets makes me particularly supportive of other entrepreneurs 
that develop products for our cars.  It's a small market with a lot of people 
that cry out for the development of products, but then, many don't step up to 
the plate to make a purchase when it's available.  It's difficult.  It's a small 
market that most don't enter to become rich, but rather, to be in a position to 
earn earn a little money from one of their favorite hobbies.  For a few, they're 
able to expand and go somewhere with a product line.  For others, it may never 
have been  intended to be anything more than a weekend hobby business or small 
retirement business.

I would welcome a open debate on the topic in order to get a sense of some 
guidelines.  I wonder what a group like this is for, if drawing attention to a 
product specifically being made for our cars, is crossing some sort of line.

--Justin Wagner
fot at autox.team.net


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