[Fot] chevy con-rods and Larry Young Cam

n197tr4 at cs.com n197tr4 at cs.com
Sat Jul 10 08:30:08 MDT 2010

We expect to continue to run the Chevy Rods. It just seems to work well.

But combine this with the Larry Young cam and it is even better.

The engine comes on strong earlier in the revs and we shift 5500-6000 RPM

Seems like a brilliant combination with OEM crank.

It is the best performance we have seen with this TR4 without dipping into my

Joe A

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Young <cartravel at pobox.com>
Cc: fot at autox.team.net
Sent: Sat, Jul 10, 2010 8:36 am
Subject: Re: [Fot] chevy con-rods

Yes, the main reason is cost, but secondary reasons are weight and rod
ength.  What is the current cost of a billet crank and Carillos -
3500?  The total cost for rods and crank (welding, grinding and
itriding) for my engine was about $700.   uncle jack worked out a cheap
it for the conversion, but I think he decided there was not sufficient
nterest. He had the price down under $500.
Low oil pressure was initially a concern, but there is now plenty of
vidence to discount this worry.
There are two ways to center the rod - using spacers on the wrist pin or
y modifying the crank.  I chose to modify the crank by welding a bead
n the edges of the crankpin.  Both methods work.  The spacer method is
If you are considering a billet crank and Carillos, why not have the
rank made for a different rod?  Moldex told me there would be no
dditional cost.
arry Young
 the though of narrower rods at the big end region worries me.

 I run an engine shop, and know from bitter experience, that excessive side
 clearance at the big end, is a major source of engine rattles and loss of
 oil pressure. most rods have a limit of about 0.005"-0.008" and in our race
 engines, we run them down as low as we can get.

 there are plenty of custom made rods for TR engines, so why would one bother
 with an concept that has an intrinsic design flaw?

 Terry O'Beirne
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