[Fot] Hard cornering

MIKE DEWEERD deweerdm at rogers.com
Sat Jul 31 21:38:53 MDT 2010

Hello list.
I'm looking for any advice on how to get my TR4 to corner better. It seems to
under-steer immensely.
   I am now in the process of changing front springs and shocks because as I
put heat into the tires, the car would dive down when I turn the wheel to the
left twice as much as when I turn to the right.(so I figured the left spring
to be weak). I have no idea of the age of the shocks or springs.
  I find that when entering a tight turn the car will continue straight no
matter how much I turn the wheel and when the car slows down enough the front
will then turn quite quickly and I have to counter-steer (straighten) the
wheel. This makes turns seem jerky and unsafe to other racers.
  I have a welded rear live axle. (which just broke in the last race) and I
noticed my "new" front Hoosiers are pretty much done after 4 races while the
back still look new.
 Now perhaps it's just me and I have to learn to drive slower into tight turns
while the MGB's fly past me, or I need to look at something in the front end?
the car has 1/16 th to 1/8 toe in. the steering rack is tight, it has poly
bushing through out the front end
Any ideas would be appreciated, Thank you

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