[Fot] Faulty Water Temp Gauge?

vintage.racer at comcast.net vintage.racer at comcast.net
Fri Jul 9 12:29:52 MDT 2010

Hello All: 

Need some opinions on what I think might be a problem with my 1969 TR6 water temp gauge is an electrical unit. Scenario: recently, I've noticed the car running a bit hot, ie, the needle within an 1/8" of the red zone on the gauge. I recall at normal operating temp, the needle should be closer to half way (ambient daytime temps in the 80 - 90 degree range). Once the needle reaches this "hot" location, it never seems to come back down at all, regardless of whether I'm at speed or stopped. To me, this is not normal. 

What I've done so far: flushed the cooling system, filled with about 35% anit-freeze, remainder with distilled water; added a few ounces of Water Wetter; new temp sensor, new thermostat (180 degree), timing checked and spot on. So far no difference in the way the gauge reacts, indicates the engine is still running hot so I'm wondering if I might have a gauge going bad. Anyone have an experience with a faulty water temp gauge? Does it gradually go bad and give false readings? Thanks. 


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