[Fot] scales and splitting Hairs

Bob Adams adams910 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 15 21:55:05 MST 2010


When you get help, sit in the car, record the corner weights, get out and
add weight to match. You might have to put some in the footbox to get it
right. If you're by yourself, 10 to 20lbs should do.

In talking to a very set-up savvy friend, he says with the scales over
$1000+, you're mostly getting additional display features. Some of the
higher $ set-ups have scales with multiple load cells in them. Unless you're
gunning for the Daytona 500, you won't need those.

Hope this helps,


ps: It's easy to forget in the rush of things, but don't forget to account
for fuel load and use your hot tire pressures.

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