[Fot] One more view from the CRC part one

Greg "Lunker" Hilyer Lunkercars at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 12 02:46:53 MDT 2009

Hello All,
In typical Lunker fashion, this isn't going to be brief but a story  
worth telling with some lessons worth my remembering - putting them  
to print might help...
What a wonderful event! SOVREN put on a true Class Act. Great workers  
from both the track and the club [many Triumph enthusiasts], a fun  
course [thankfully not to hard to learn], and I don't think the  
schedule ever faltered. As always at a Kastner Cup race, it was great  
to put names with faces and cars as well as seeing those I only meet  
up with occasionally. The 1/2 lap track tour I got in the '24 Bentley  
Drophead [in the rain] was an act all in itself. Although it was a A+  
for "Class Act" it was a D- in terms of track familiarization.
The FoT also put on a Class act of our own. I got several comments  
from SOVREN regulars about our "Spirit of  Vintage" - seemingly like  
members of one team converging from all over to keep 'em rollin'.  
Three different body shops [ Chuck, Jerry and Bill] and as many or  
more transmission swap shops. How many transmissions did we go thru  
as a group? I [we - right Henry?] changed one but killed two, heard  
Jerry Barker killed 4, Chuck swapped one and Mordy finished with a 3  
speed and TR3 Peter from B.C. [I'm going to nominate him once I find  
his info] loaded up Sunday also with a 3 speed... how many did I  
miss? Chuck's visit to the swap meet for a tail light explains a lot  
- Connie was in awe thinking he actually had a spare in his kit! What  
a team we have!!! There were many of you that I didn't [sorry] take  
the time to seek out, but met FoT enthusiasm everywhere.
My first run of the event was my best showing - The Albuquerque/ 
Portland Enduro. Gave Connie a 3 day head start. She flew, Barley and  
I towed. Got on the road 1 hour late of my already 12 hour late  
"revised" schedule. 13 hours late with 1400 miles to make it up...  
piece of cake. OK, so Connie did have 2 1/2 days of business in Vegas  
in route but thats what a handicap race is all about. 1396 miles   
with a 27.5 hour E.T. = 50.76 MPH including fuel stops and a 4 hour  
truck-stop nap. The very moment I pulled under the hotel canopy was  
when the phone rang - Connie's flight was 20 minutes early! Did a  
quick check-in and off to pick her up. Got to "Arrivals" 6 minutes  
before her scheduled ETA so I'm calling it a win. Set out for the  
nearest gas station. About 8 miles into the search it dawned on me  
that since there is no Self Serve in Oregon, there just is not gas to  
be had at every corner convenience store. Although I spent 10 years  
in Oregon I couldn't explain the no self-serv law to Connie - anyone  
know why/how that archaic law manages to still be on the books? Knew  
we were going to run out but no big deal - got to the shoulder, got a  
splash-&-go by running the race car fuel pump, and we were on our  
way. That lasted for about 5 more miles of searching until it died  
again at a rush-hour stop light ... now we were screwed. In less than  
one cycle of the light a mini-van driving, tow strap totin' good sam  
pulled part-way into the intersection, hooked us up and dragged us  
thru to the shoulder. A bit more patience with the racer fuel pump  
got us enough to get back to the hotel. Naturally I found gas within  
a block. Once again proving her sainthood, Connie actually found this  
all mildly amusing - thought it was "cute" that I would risk running  
out for the sake of not making her wait at the airport. That was it  
for Thursday. Got to the track Friday A.M. and were the first at  
registration. First time I've been in time to be first to register.  
For Anything. Ever! Got unloaded, pit set up, thru tech, etc. All  
good. Next was one of my best strategies of the whole weekend - Seek  
out Stewards, Marshals, Corner Workers. Anyone with any influence   
who would listen to my story. Leaky rear main - yes. Diaper - yes.  
Dripping on the exhaust - yes. Smoking - yes. Long tow - yes. Oiling  
track - NO. Spread the word as best I could. Even went so far as to  
bring Fran - Chief of black-flag station - a bouquet of roses freshly  
poached from the hotel. Worked! I did get the furled black pointed my  
way a time or two for smoking, it only resulted in a post race trip  
to black flag where Fran would tell me it was time to change the  
diaper. All well and feeling ready for Saturday rain or shine. Boy  
was I heading for a rude awakening!

Stay tuned, more to follow.
Greg "Lunker" Hilyer
TR4 #314
Albuquerque NM

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