[Fot] Fwd: Re: [WtW] Re: How not to pass

David W. Riddle dave at microworks.net
Wed Sep 9 10:34:37 MDT 2009

Comment from the driver of the SRF on another list that I sent the link too.

>Date: Wed, 09 Sep 2009 12:04:37 -0400
>From: Elizabeth Miller <eracer at IdRatherNotSay.com>
>The driver is fine, thanks.  :-)  Bit of a sore neck the next day, 
>but that didn't keep me from renting a car to race.  Had to start 
>from the back of the grid, of course, but worked my way from 20th to 
>6th in 16 laps.  /bragging
>Fun weekend.  Don't think I want to do it again, though.
>The video is pretty boring after that.  A few more seconds of "you okay?"
>before the car gets put on it's side, knocking the camera loose, and then
>they hit the master switch and it's done.

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