[Fot] Plastic Window Remedy

Justin Wagner jmwagner at tstonramp.com
Mon Nov 30 19:24:06 MST 2009

  Novus #2 is good stuff.   Focus on the inside first.  It is my  
experience that most of the clouding issues are, surprisingly, on the  
inside.   --Justin

On Nov 30, 2009, at 5:30 PM, "Gary Horstkorta" <vintage.racer at comcast.net 
 > wrote:

> Hello:
> I thought I'd pass along a quick remedy to the dreaded "cloudy"  
> plastic
> windows that affect soft tops over time.  The windows in my TR6 were  
> on
> their way to being opaque which made driving with the top up a safety
> hazard.  I first tried using Mequiar's PlastX, a plastic cleaner &  
> polish,
> but with no improvement.  Next, I tried a bottle of plastic polish I  
> found
> in the back of my garage cabinet called Novus Plastic Polish No. 2.   
> I had
> purchased this product a few years ago from the local TAP Plastics  
> store to
> clean the plastic windshield on my racecar.
> Using a microfiber hand applicator I applied the polish to both the  
> inside
> and outside of my tops plastic windows then wiped it with a terry  
> cloth
> towel.  After about thirty minutes of work, the windows are  
> virtually as
> good as new...I was amazed at the results.  I checked the Internet  
> and Novus
> has a website at www.novuspolish.com.  FYI, I have no financial  
> interest in
> this product, just want to pass along the info for a product that  
> worked for
> me.
> Gary
> 69 TR6
> 62 TR4
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