[Fot] Fwd: F.O.T
Bill Babcock
billb at bnj.com
Tue Nov 24 21:33:28 MST 2009
You should have told him to get hosed.
I had some clown causing problems on my Ke Nalu site, bitching about my lack
of attention. This for a site that carries no advertising, that I do for fun.
I blocked him from the site, then he started sending me email bitching at me.
So I added his email address to my spam filter. So then he set up some gmail
addresses and bitched at me. So I subscribed him to about 500 email
I felt he just had too much time on his hands.
On Nov 24, 2009, at 7:52 PM, Tony Drews wrote:
> I set up a little Nascar league and use Google Groups as my e-mail
mechanism. I think my top number of folks in my league has been 20. Every
single e-mail sent through that list includes a big ol' blurb about where to
go to manage your settings and an "unsubscribe" link. I had someone get pissy
about my delay in sending out results and leave the league. At the beginning
of the next year he was very vocal about "please remove me from the list". I
took care of it manually, but he could have done it himself for half of the
effort of sending me and the entire list the nastygram. And this is for a
closed friend-referral group.
> I can't imagine handling the lists that you deal with.
> Cheers, Tony Drews
> At 06:55 PM 11/24/2009, Mark J Bradakis wrote:
>> <snip - notice that I EDITED the message... :) >
>> I try to provide the tools to make it as easy as possible for folks to
>> reap the benefits of Team.Net in various ways. I try to be polite
>> and helpful as best I can, but sometimes I do wonder why I do what
>> I do.
>> For those of you who celebrate the occasion, have a nice Thanksgiving.
>> mjb.
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