[Fot] Racin' for charity [no Triumph content]

Greg "Lunker" Hilyer Lunkercars at earthlink.net
Sun Nov 22 15:34:53 MST 2009

Hello FoTers,
Did you know November is Diabetes Awareness Month? The 29th of this  
month, our local kart racing club [Albuquerque Karting] is holding a  
Charity Enduro in support of the Junior Diabetes Research Foundation.
180 laps, 3 drivers per team and one must be a novice in this type of  
kart - that's me! The karts are called TaG's - Touch and Go - for  
their electric start and centrifugal clutch. On this technical 1/3rd  
mile track these little beasties are actually faster than any of the  
shifters! A far difference from the 4 stroke "Concession Karts" I  
race in the league races. 10 laps is fairly brutal. My first practice  
in one was 2 weeks ago - I managed 33 laps in 3 sessions and could  
hardly hold the steering wheel to drive myself home. Today we had a  
90 lap "mini-enduro" practice race and my 30 lap stint didn't get me  
quite as bad [yet?] as I expected. But 60 laps is going to HURT.
So yes, this posting is pure solicitation. If anyone feels compelled  
to support me in fundraising, it would be personally appreciated and  
you can be assured your contribution is going to a truly worthy  
cause. So far I've received donations from $10 to $250 - no amount is  
too small.
The race is this coming Sunday the 29th but there's still plenty of  
time to put a check in the mail or send a Pay-Pal. If paying by  
check, please make it out to J.D.R.F. [Junior Diabetes Research  
Foundation] and send to my address below. If sending a Pay-Pal, I  
will cover the fees so that 100% of your donation goes to JDRF. I  
will get individual cash receipts at the event and mail it back to you.
As in our vintage racing there is nothing to be won - just bragging  
rights for the fastest team and the team that raises the most money.
My team-mate Chris Norris put this thing together. At age 12 he went  
to bed one night and woke up 3 weeks later with FOUR I.V.'s in him  
and insulin dependance for life. Today Chris went out in our practice  
race and broke the track record in each of three consecutive laps. My  
pace was 1.1 secs. off his so not so bad for the rookie I guess. Our  
team [Team Machine] won today by 5 laps. On the other hand, one of  
the faster teams didn't feel the need to practice today - they could  
be a force. We have 7 confirmed teams and hoping for 9-10.

Thanks in advance,

Greg "Lunker" Hilyer
TR4 #314

323-K Claremont Ave NW
Albuquerque NM 87107

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