[Fot] Bedding Brakes, dangerous driving

dos_gusanos at msn.com dos_gusanos at msn.com
Fri Sep 26 08:09:48 MDT 2008

Back at the old Skippy school, the instructors often said, "If you're ahead of , oh say, Henry Morrison, it's your corner.  If it's Mario Andretti coming up behind you, it's his corner."  It's all a balancing act of knowing your abilities and situational awareness with the ultimate goal of getting your car back to the pits in one piece as close to the front of the pack as possible........................... 

From: budscars at comcast.netTo: GSFuqua1 at aol.com; britbits at netzero.com; Billb at bnj.comDate: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:21:18 -0700CC: fot at autox.team.netSubject: Re: [Fot] Bedding Brakes, dangerous driving

it's really best to hold your line, for the exact reason you have said....Although it is often quite a teeth gritting experience
raccer Bud

----- Original Message ----- 
From: GSFuqua1 at aol.com 
To: britbits at netzero.com ; Billb at bnj.com 
Cc: fot at autox.team.net 
Sent: Thursday, September 25, 2008 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Fot] Bedding Brakes, dangerous driving

Having just finished a driving school I can safely say we were told to hold the line and be aware there was a car coming up on us to pass.  We were told repeatedly NOT to leave the line because that is where the over taking driver expected us to be.  Personally I don't have enough experience to say one way or the other.  I just know what I was told.  I try very hard to be aware of everything that is going on, including cars coming up on me.  I do my best not to hold them up by moving over when it is safe but I'm not creeping around the track either.  I hit the end of the straight in triple digits at Hallett and TWS.  Someone coming up on me may indeed be doing triple digit plus but I was told if I got to the corner first then the line was mine and they had to wait to pass.  Again I try not to let that happen in corners but sometimes that can't be avoided.
I guess my point here is there seems to be some confusion and I for one would really like to know what is "Right" and what is just someone's opinion.
Thanks for listening.

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