[Fot] Nomination for FoT membership
Bill Babcock
Billb at bnj.com
Mon Sep 22 21:35:58 MDT 2008
It was in turn nine. I didn't see the accident, but from what I've
been told his rear end slid out at the entrance to the turn, then
hooked up and shot him into the wall. The front of the car is totally
flat, as if he had run into an obstruction at 90 degrees, but that
couldn't be, both because he's still with us, and because the car
wound up down the track about 50 yards on the outside of the track. It
was actually a glancing blow, as it has to be in that section of the
turn, but taken straight on.
The track was drying at the time, the rain had pretty much stopped.
By the time group one (my group) went out the track was dry. I started
from the back because of some confusion I suspect, and they sent the
FV's out first in a split start. They had actually been faster in the
rain, but the track was completely dry. I started dead last, was first
after two laps, and had a nice run on a very green but predictable
surface. Did 1:42 something, about three seconds off usual time, but
respectable and Peyote felt wonderful. there just wasn't anyone to
play with since Mike Malone wasn't there, Cameron Healy's Pooper had a
broken rear spring, and Denny Hatch's Pooper wasn't there. I thought
my top speed would be less with the bigger bump in the nose, but I was
pushing 7000 RPM at least 200 yards before the turn one kink in the
straight, so I had to lift. I think this little bugger will hit 140
with the right rear end, but I'm running a 3.7 now. Anyone know if
there's a taller rear gear anywhere? Maybe a 3.5?
On Sep 22, 2008, at 8:13 PM, Chuck Arnold wrote:
> So sorry to hear about Jeff -- such a great car. What happened?
> Wet?? Which wall/turn?
> Chuck
> 2008/9/22 Bill Babcock <Billb at bnj.com>
> Sorry to hear about the fatality. We really are playing a rough game
> here. We had two bad accidents at the SOVREN Fall Finale this
> weekend. FOTer Jeff Quick hit the wall straight on in his TR4. They
> took him off in the ambulance on a back board, but he's okay. The
> car is completely flat across the nose and about a foot shorter.
> Hard impact, straight in. Could have been a bad one, I'm glad he's
> OK. I'm pretty sure Jeff wears a HANS device. Another driver pretty
> much wrote off a very nice Alpha.
> We get away with a lot because of all the retrofitted safely
> equipment, but I've met more than a few old time drivers who
> expressed amazement that we don't have more fatalities. they
> basically say "those cars were damned dangerous back when we built
> them, what do you think has changed".
> What has changed is the safety gear, and I believe in keeping all of
> mine as up to date as possible. Fresh belts before the expiration
> date or when they show any damage or have been "exercised" as with a
> Corvette shoving one self around a bit, Hans device. Good helmet.
> great roll cage. Other than that, you pays your money and you takes
> your chances.
> Pat's a great guy, it was a pleasure to meet him last year. Next
> year is Peyote's fiftieth birthday. Big doings planned. T shirts,
> peyote buttons, and a new motto: "Pissing off drivers with nicer
> cars for fifty years"
> I agree, Diane has a fine rear end, in fact a stellar one. Peyote's,
> however, is a tad lumpy.
> On Sep 22, 2008, at 11:32 AM, BillDentin at aol.com wrote:
>> In a message dated 09/22/2008 11:37:23 AM Central Daylight Time, Billb at bnj.com
>> writes:
>>> I thought Tony was already a member or I would have nominated him
>>> long ago. Not only does he drive the wheels off the TR250K (and
>>> anything else he sits in, except his truck which he drives like a
>>> little old lady), but he also maintains it, and the Bill Hart
>>> Devin, AND John James's TR4, and he brought Peyote back to life
>>> this year, and will finish making it far too pretty over the
>>> winter. Yes, he's going to replace the "Aluminum foil sack of
>>> walnuts" rear end that I carefully fabricated on my $200 English
>>> Wheel. Some people have no respect for amateur bodywork. Like
>>> Diane for example, who is paying Tony to replace the rear end.
>> On the Peyote? Diane's rear end is fine.
>> I saw Pat Starr at ROAD AMERICA over the week end. He borrowed a
>> trailer and hauled his Morgan (same car he's raced since the 1960s)
>> down to ELVF. He is still a great driver (2:51.892), less than two
>> seconds short of his best lap ever. At the cocktail party Saturday
>> night (Peter Egan spoke) Pat was talking about the Peyote and
>> describing clear plastic spoilers they used to run on the car in
>> the rear. Interesting.
>> Bill
>> PS...Sad to say...there was another fatality in the second Race
>> Group 2 practice session on Friday. Dr. Surjit Hermon lost control
>> of his 1957 Eastgate (LOTUS XI continuation or replica) and hit a
>> stationary Mini Cooper S parked off course near the apex to Turn
>> 13. High speed (80 mph +/-) impact (sideways). Suspected broken
>> neck. I had raced with this guy many times. He was competent,
>> courteous, never aggressive. He apparently lost control, tried to
>> correct, and went sliding sidways into the Mini. The VSCDA has
>> been running vintage racing events for thirty years and never had a
>> really serious accident, much less a fatality. Now two in a month.
>> **************
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> Bill Babcock
> Babcock & Jenkins
> Billb at bnj.com
> 503.936.7660
> www.bnj.com
> Editor
> Ke Nalu e-Magazine
> Paddlesurfing's Web Journal
> Bill at kenalu.com
> www.kenalu.com
> blog: www.ponohouse.com/ponoblog
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> --
> Chuck Arnold
Bill Babcock
Babcock & Jenkins
Billb at bnj.com
Ke Nalu e-Magazine
Paddlesurfing's Web Journal
Bill at kenalu.com
blog: www.ponohouse.com/ponoblog
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