[Fot] Nomination for FoT membership

Bill Hart Bill at hartproperties.com
Mon Sep 22 12:00:18 MDT 2008

I second that nomination
Bill Hart

From: fot-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net] On Behalf Of Bill Babcock
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2008 9:37 AM
To: Chuck Arnold
Cc: fot at autox.team.net; jcjcarrera at comcast.net
Subject: Re: [Fot] Nomination for FoT membership

I thought Tony was already a member or I would have nominated him long ago. Not only does he drive the wheels off the TR250K (and anything else he sits in, except his truck which he drives like a little old lady), but he also maintains it, and the Bill Hart Devin, AND John James's TR4, and he brought Peyote back to life this year, and will finish making it far too pretty over the winter. Yes, he's going to replace the "Aluminum foil sack of walnuts" rear end that I carefully fabricated on my $200 English Wheel. Some people have no respect for amateur bodywork. Like Diane for example, who is paying Tony to replace the rear end.

On Sep 22, 2008, at 8:01 AM, Chuck Arnold wrote:

"Tony Garmey" <horizonracing at msn.com<mailto:horizonracing at msn.com>>.
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Tony Drews <tony at tonydrews.com<mailto:tony at tonydrews.com>> wrote:
I definitely second!  You'll need to include his e-mail address for
MJB to pluck the magic thwanger, tho.

- Tony

At 12:20 AM 9/22/2008, jcjcarrera at comcast.net<mailto:jcjcarrera at comcast.net> wrote:
>I'd like to nominate our most recent recipient of the Kastner Cup,
>Tony Garmey, to our membership. A gifted mechanic, fabricator, crew
>chief, and as displayed at Watkins Glen a few weeks back, very
>skilled driver. Tony is a valuable asset to our hobby of Vintage Racing.
>Do I have a second??
>John James
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