[Fot] Flywheels

Chuck Arnold triosan at gmail.com
Mon Sep 22 09:44:07 MDT 2008

I have had good success with the Fidanza aluminum flywheelwith a simple
modification.  I had the holes enlarged and countersunk to take ARP Insert
Washers[200-8563].  These provide a hardened steel support for the bolts and
keeps them from enlarging the holes in the flywheel by "walking".  You can
see a picture of the flywheelwith the inserts and ARPbolts at:

On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 7:17 PM, Tony Drews <tony at tonydrews.com> wrote:

> A number of folks are successful with an aluminum flywheel.  Others
> have had them work loose, which is bad.  They are lighter than a
> lightened stock flywheel, and as mentioned, an lightened stock
> flywheel requires a scatter shield.  Honestly, racing a TR requires a
> scatter shield anyway.  There are a couple of sources for light
> custom made steel flywheels that are as light as the aluminum
> flywheel, and none of them have come off so far.  That's what I
> run.  I  think ARE sells them.
> - Tony Drews
> At 07:21 PM 9/18/2008, westerneagleracing at att.net wrote:
> >FOT,
> >Thoughts on aliuminum versus lightened  flywheels on a TR4?
> >Ron Jacobs
> >Western Eagle Racing
> >
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Chuck Arnold
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