[Fot] Nuerburgring Nordschleife 400 km race

John Herrera jrherrera90 at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 21 09:56:39 MDT 2008

...or possibly Kit Heathcote? I've heard the same story, but I don't remember where. However, having met and listened to both Ken Richardson and Kit Heathcote at past VTR Conventions, it might well have been directly from one of them? 
--Andy Mace
I think I heard it from Bill Piggott who was the ahfta dinnah speakah at a TRA National Meet banquet. He heard it from Ken Richardson. Don Elliott was there too, maybe at my table. After the cash bar and too much banquet food my recollection may be a bit imprecise, but seem to remember now that the episode took place during the Mille Miglia as Johnmac forwarded.
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