[Fot] Supplimental oil feed to head

wgrosenbach at juno.com wgrosenbach at juno.com
Thu Sep 18 08:27:30 MDT 2008

When I discovered the external oil port on the left rear of the TR/GT-6
heads that feed into the rocker assembly, I gathered about $2.00 worth of
pieces from the hardware store and connected that opening to the oil
galley with 1/4" copper tube. It provided the rear half of the rocker
shaft with more oil than it needed, the front half with less than I
wanted to see, but more than it had been getting. I considered trying to
feed both ends of the shaft to balance that, but never got that far.
70 GT-6+

On Wed, 17 Sep 2008 23:01:43 -0500 "Greg & Alison Blake"
<ablake2 at austin.rr.com> writes:
I have very good evidence that my head is lacking sufficient oil supply. 
The shaft on #1 rocker has gouges about 1/16” deep after 35,000 miles. 
Can one of you email me a picture of where you attached a supplemental
oil feed line to your head?  Has anyone ever tried opening up that
pathetic oil passage that the head/rocker pedestal interface has.  Has
anyone tried tapping the end cap of the rocker shaft and connecting an
oil line directly?
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