[Fot] FOT in print (old print)

Gt6steve at aol.com Gt6steve at aol.com
Sun Sep 14 12:02:04 MDT 2008

Ken's racing at Buttonwillow with VARA this weekend but I can easily put  you 
in touch if you're interested.  Is that the issue that shows the  visqueen 
lined hole where he soaked the frame?
In a message dated 9/14/2008 10:48:01 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  
trmarty at hotmail.com writes:

As I sit here contemplating how to  resurrect  the TR6 I remembered that 
there was an article in Grassroots  Motorsports years ago on stiffening Triumph 
TR3/4 frames that might apply to  the TR6's.  I dug out my collection and 
started paging through. Found it,  it was and article by Ken Knight  (don't know if 
he is FOT) with a  picture leading on showing either Henry Frye or George 
Wrights car on track.  Anyhow, British Car Feb 1992 talks about Bob Lang winning 
the Stock TR6 class  at an autox in Rhode Island. Grassroots Motorsports 
Jan/Feb 1996 has a real  nice article on Bill Dentinger and his TR3. And the 
Mar/April 1997 edition of  Grassroots Motorsports has a nice article about Peyote 
when Bill Ames owned  it. Probably a bunch more  in the stack but I gotta stop 
and get  something done. Kinda neat to look at these old articles and see folks 
I  know.

Marty Sukey

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