[Fot] Whey hey and up she rises...

Bill Babcock Billb at bnj.com
Sun Sep 14 10:53:45 MDT 2008

I love the guy, he actually makes sense and has some facts to back up  
his position.

Great job on your goats and fuel. I looked around here for sources of  
fryer oil to convert, but being Portland, everyone that uses a can of  
crisco to make some fries  has a biofuels guy waiting at their  
doorstop. Biodiesel runs about a 50 cent premium here, and people buy  
pretty much all of it they can get. Weird.

A few days ago I was driving behind an older Mercedes Diesel that was  
fogging for bugs and emitting a smell like rancid french fries. Had  
biodiesel stickers all over the bumper. I thought, "man, there's a guy  
doing some great marketing for fuel diversification."

My friend Cameron Healy also puts his money where his mouth is,  
driving a diesel newbug, investing in biofuel companies--and I think  
it's great. Of course he used to own Kettle Chips, so fryer oil was  
easy to come by.

I think whey is a welcome when you're milking 10 goats, but my friend  
John Karamanos owns Sunshine Dairy, who make cottage cheese by the ton  
every day. For them, whey is a problem.

On Sep 14, 2008, at 9:25 AM, Gasket Works USA wrote:

> It is intetersting...  My wife has made a buisiness plan for a micro  
> dairy (goat milk).  The current trend to develop locally grown food  
> stuffs is becoming more intriguing for a host of reasons. There are  
> many articles in the NY times, WSJ and such.    Between our neighbor  
> and us we have about 10 goats milked twice daily.  Our good  
> producers make 8+ lbs of milk a day.  Most make 1/2 that.   The  
> assorted milk products include yogurt, Feta and hard cheese  
> (although these are much harder to make).  Many of our friends trade  
> home grown produce for whole raw milk, or pasturized milk.
> So,  sky photons come down and allow the the chloroplasts  to  
> convert  some green house Gases (CO2) to sugars and cellulose.  the  
> Goats eat the converted photons and make milk.  The milk is then  
> converted to Feta and the byproduct is fermented to make alcohol  
> eventually and they cycle continues.
> Oh, The whey protein is not bad stuff it may look greenish but,  
> tastes good.  Organic growers like this stuff for its nitrogen  
> content.....fertilizer.
> Proud owner of 1979 Peugeot diesel that can run on 100 biodiesel  
> from Waste Taco VEgie oil. 40mpg easy.
> I put on extra large rolling radius tires to keep the Rpms low and  
> short shift.  Slow but, oh so much fun.  Oh, and btw.. verrry  
> comfortable suspension.
> Proud owner of 2008 Honda GX CNG 30-40mpg equiv.  ( I wish lived in  
> UTAh... CNG about .070cents/Gallon Equiv there)
> Pickens maybe biased but, I like him.
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Bill Babcock
Babcock & Jenkins
Billb at bnj.com

Ke Nalu e-Magazine
Paddlesurfing's Web Journal

Bill at kenalu.com
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