[Fot] next year

GRMTim at aol.com GRMTim at aol.com
Wed Sep 10 22:16:00 MDT 2008

Portland sounds nice and I understand that the event needs to go west some. 
But Portland is a long, long way from Florida and probably 3/4 of our 
membership. Please remember, as you discuss next year, that I have formally invited 
eveyone to the Mitty, am willing to sponsor the event there (or at least an 
eastcoast version of the event) and have organized a Group 44 Reunion. I have 
talked to Joe about this as well. I have already gotten commitments from probably 
ten Group 44 cars, have now added at least one Kastner/Brophy car (and am 
looking for more) to make the game even more fun and have a beautiful poster in the 
works. We have invited Bob Tullius to be the grand marshall and Lany has 
already told us he will come. Several other original Group 44 team members have 
agreed to come and I will have the Group 44 GT6 there to run for the first time 
since the early seventies. The beer party is covered, as is the dart 
tournament. Jack Woerhle was great to us in 05, and we will have our own race again in 
08. The date is the first weekend in May.

Can I get an amen on this idea?

Tim Suddard
Publisher; Classic Motorsports
and Grassroots Motorsports magazines
Phone: (386) 673-4148 Fax: (386) 673-6040

Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog, 
plus the latest fall trends and hair styles at StyleList.com.
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