[Fot] Redux: Spitfire 1147 (six-port) cylinder head primer, anyone?

Brad Kahler brad.kahler at 141.com
Sat Oct 25 13:42:36 MDT 2008


Wish I could help you but I didn't even realize there were differences 
in the head castings for the 1147s.  I'm saving some 1147 parts on the 
off chance that Susan might some day have to race with one of those 
engines (hope it never happens!) so any info you get I'd like to hear about.


Herald948 at aol.com wrote:
> Apologies for an on-topic post.  :-)
> Back on September 10, I posted the following...and got  virtually no
> response, save for a few people who offered bits of  information...or sympathy
> for the
> lack of response from others. So I thought I'd  give it one more try....
> ============
> Can any of you of  the early Spitfire persuasion give me a primer on the
> "good" and/or "better"  cylinder heads? I'm really interested  to know about
> casting  numbers AND stamped numbers,  what the differences are, why the
> 303014
> (casting number, I think) head was once banned in SCCA  Production racing but
> is
> now allowed again and what's so special about that  particular head...in
> short, any such details you'd care to share.
> I know someone once  told me that one  or more of the 948cc heads was good
> as well; unfortunately, I lost the  details on that in a  long-ago computer
> crash.
> Thanks for any and all  insights!

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