[Fot] forget F1 IRL NASCAR ETC, what about FOT

Joe Curry spitlist at cox.net
Fri Oct 24 21:06:28 MDT 2008


While I can't say that your opinion is incorrect, I can say that you are
definitely NOT the specific target of anyone's insults about any particular
form of racing.


My opinion ( and just my opinion) is that yes this is a group of Triumph
Racing enthusiasts.  But if we were restricted to talking only about Triumph
Racing there would be long periods of empty bandwidth.


People talking about their own preferences in racing is natural among people
who enjoy multiple forms of motorsport, so why not have such discussions.  


I for one would not want anything I have said on this list to be construed
as a personal insult to anyone.  Yes, we are a varied group in both
geography and interests.  As long as we keep the discussion confined to
Triumphs in particular and Racing in general, (and not on politics and
religion) I am happy with the current line of topics.


Lastly, nobody on this or any other internet list is being forced to read
all the posts.  As long as we keep the subject lines accurate, anybody can
freely use the delete key rather than read the messages that come in.  You
don't have to be thick skinned but sometimes it helps.



Joe C.



From: DSPGTi at aol.com [mailto:DSPGTi at aol.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 7:50 PM
To: budscars at comcast.net; spitlist at cox.net; tony at tonydrews.com;
fot at autox.team.net
Subject: forget F1 IRL NASCAR ETC, what about FOT


There are a few of you FOT's out there that may be familiar with my
irrational outbursts about vintage racing in the past. I have been a member
for only a few years and since I made such a bad impression in the
beginning, I was hesitant to voice my opinion. But now it is time to step up
and be heard.


Our membership has swelled significantly due to successful events and
joining with other Internet groups. My impression is that we are a much more
diversified group then we use to be. So what is our goal? Are we on track
with the intent of starting the FOT to begin with?


I have been personally insulted 6 times in the past week. I have been told
that the type of racing I like is ignorant, stupid, boring, etc. F1 and the
antics of the rich and famous are more important than the events that we
attend. Some say, this date is the cut off of real vintage, others yada,
yada, yada.


I thought this group was about Triumphs and how to make them go faster. I
listened to the members chat about getting together at this event or that. I
dreamed about joining up with our group at Watkins Glen only to be
disappointed by attending to things that were more important to me. I like
the sharing of technical information. A recount or two of an event are
welcomed by those that couldn't attend.


I will make one proposal and then I'll be quiet. IF IT IS NOT A DIRECT


Either that or lock me out altogether because I for one have become
increasingly irritated by the direction of this group.


David Yeager



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