[Fot] Fwd: racing the GT6.... tires or suspension?

Kas Kastner kaskas at cox.net
Mon Oct 13 18:41:31 MDT 2008


> In this case old Carol would roll over and say " you want to roll the tire 
> off the rim?" Increase the pressure 4-5 lbs  and put in some negative 
> camber at least another degree then check to make certain you are not 
> bottoming the rear suspension by putting a dab of grease on the bump stop 
> and see if it transfers and don't forget that shocks can also bottom out 
> and give an infinite spring rate and huge oversteer. Also the stock rear 
> spring if not de-arched will not have enough negative camber to start 
> with, so fix that first.
> Carol is correct in saying exactly what has been  recommended. I always 
> lived by the words of "working on the offending end" BUT, that is talking 
> about race cars, not production cars that are being raced.  There is one 
> hell'va lot of difference.  In production cars you work on the OPPOSITE 
> end so that you can achieve a balance, you take STICK away from the 
> opposite end to get this balance. Race cars have the power, the tire size, 
> the rim width and the suspension design, weight balance to work in the 
> race environment, production cars are for going to the store and hopefully 
> the track by good guys who love them. Easy to become confused, been there 
> a lot of times.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "robert bownes" <bownes at seiri.com>
> To: "MadMarx" <tr4racing at googlemail.com>
> Cc: <fot at autox.team.net>
> Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 4:18 PM
> Subject: Re: [Fot] Fwd: racing the GT6.... tires or suspension?
>> Old Carol Smith axiom...Soften the end that isn't working....
>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 4:07 PM, MadMarx <tr4racing at googlemail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> What compound do you use? SS, S, M?
>>> Chris
>>> -----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
>>> Von: fot-bounces at autox.team.net [mailto:fot-bounces at autox.team.net] Im
>>> Auftrag von Bobby Whitehead
>>> Gesendet: Montag, 13. Oktober 2008 21:10
>>> An: fot at autox.team.net
>>> Betreff: [Fot] Fwd: racing the GT6.... tires or suspension?
>>> > Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 8:17:07 -0700
>>> > From: Bobby Whitehead <igofaster at charter.net>
>>> > To: fot at autox.team.net
>>> > Subject: racing the GT6.... tires or suspension?
>>> > Cc: fot-request at autox.team.net
>>> >
>>> > Hey Guys and Gals!
>>> > Just got back from Hallett OK. The FoT was in strong force with me and
>>> Gary Fuqua... TEAM TWO... we did have another guy show up with a fast
>>> Spitfire... engineers... whadda ya gonna do with them.
>>> >
>>> > My GT6 seems to run fairly well on the short course. I was 
>>> > consistently
>>> slow... running ... I ran a few laps in the 1:44 - 1:43 range.
>>> >
>>> > I'm running Yokohama Advan 032R 175/60 R13 77H... I have been starting
>>> out
>>> 20 psi before each session.
>>> >
>>> > My problem seems to be a happy rear end... no comments on my butt
>>> please...
>>> > The GT wants to come around in the rear. I had two off course 
>>> > incidents,
>>> but I've really got to be sharp as the rear end wants to come around. My
>>> reaction time is not as quick as reality time.
>>> >
>>> > I've got what seems to be mostly stock rear leaf spring, and Koni's on
>>> the
>>> rear, plus a rear sway bar.
>>> >
>>> > I've purchased a shock relocation conversion from Rimmer Bros that
>>> relocates the upper shock mount to the frame versus inside the wheel 
>>> well
>>> with and adjustable English made shock. I've not installed the system 
>>> yet
>>> but will probably do so this week.
>>> >
>>> > I'm I running the right tire and pressure? Some of the Bugeyes and
>>> Spridgets are running Hoosiers which I believe is not a radial... Is 
>>> there
>>> a
>>> way that I can plan on keeping the rear end down on the road more, maybe
>>> stiffer road spring?
>>> >
>>> > I'm just a little over a year in my racing, so still very green at all 
>>> > of
>>> this. However, I am getting an off course at least once every weekend I 
>>> go
>>> out.
>>> >
>>> > George Curl (my original instructor) did everything but say I'm 
>>> > driving
>>> like a little girl. He did say however that there is no coasting in
>>> racing..
>>> I'm not on the gas on the brake all the time, there are turns where I'm
>>> feathering the throttle or off the gas on the brake to keep the car on 
>>> the
>>> road...
>>> >
>>> > Comments or pointers appreciated...
>>> >
>>> > Bobby Whitehead
>>> > #53 CVAR Triumph GT6+
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