[Fot] Clutch Question for the Group

Henry Frye henry at henryfrye.com
Sun Oct 12 12:42:16 MDT 2008

While the concept of a failsafe is one I don't relate to, the one place
I do not want ANY failure, "planned" or not, is in the clutch assembly.
Anything going wrong in the bellhousing is really risky business.

> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: Re: [Fot] Clutch Question for the Group
> I found 2nd gear
> instead if 4th while trying to upshift at about 6 grand in
> 3rd.  Instead of motor or transmission damage, the stock
> clutch disk broke into two pieces,
> Considered getting an upgraded disk, but decided I liked the
> failsafe abilities of the stock disk when hammer handing
> shifts, so went with a stocker from Moss.

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