[Fot] Yeah, what about FOT??? + racing Triumph-related question

Susan Kahler susank at 141.com
Sat Oct 25 12:29:47 MDT 2008

I am with Henry, et al on this one.  I sure don't mind some deviation 
from Triumph racing-related topics, but when it takes over the whole 
discussion for days I get pretty jaded.  I know things get slower on the 
list and turn to things like tow-vehicle discussions in the winter 
season (which is related, as they are responsible for getting our racing 
Triumphs to the track) but I would appreciate it if we can move the 
really non-related discussions to a better forum and keep this one more 
geared toward its original topic.  

I am sitting in my hotel room in Kentucky waiting to close on our new 
property Tuesday (although they are letting me move in tomorrow, yay!), 
and thinking about Tristan.  One of the issues I have with him is if I 
have any moisture on the soles of my driving shoes (like walking across 
dew-covered grass to get in him for the first practice session of the 
day) my heels slide on the unpainted/uncoated metal floorboard and I 
have to wipe the soles off with paper towels.  Would spraying bedliner 
or some other coating on the floorboard be helpful, or is there a reason 
not to? 


Susan        :)

** Oh, I would just KILL for a Nobel Peace Prize! **

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