[Fot] scattershields

SpiwakD at aol.com SpiwakD at aol.com
Mon Oct 20 06:35:21 MDT 2008

          My clutch blew apart  at Watkins Glen last weekend, throwing a 
pea-sized piece of steel through the  trans case at ankle height on what is 
usually the driver's side of the car(my  car is RHD). I had just installed a 
scattershield made from an old police vest  and there was no harm done.
          Steel shields are  fine, but heavy. If you able to locate a surplus 
military flak vest or expired  police vest, you can easily make a good 
shield. Police vests have expiration  dates and are sold cheaply after they expire. 
They are still effective for our  use. The material is ballistic cloth made of 
Kevlar. It is soft and easily cut  with a razor knife. 1/2" thickness is all 
you need.
           The material  must be completely wrapped in plastic. It must be 
protected from oil and other  contaminents or it will break down. Hold the 
pieces together with duct tape  until you get a good fit. I wrapped mine in plastic 
and then glued it to  the tunnel with contact cement. I then covered the 
whole thing with vinyl and  sprayed it black to match the tunnel. When finished, 
it is barely visible.  Weight 2 lbs.
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