[Fot] Three Questions

Rocky Entriken rocky at spitfire4.com
Mon Nov 17 14:26:09 MST 2008

> 1.        Will you race more, less or the same number of events in 2009?

Economics kept me from racing in 2008, probably won't race in 2009 either. I 
also didn't travel much for autocross -- longest trip was 120 miles one-way 
to Heartland Park Topeka for both the Midwest Divisional and Nationals (In 
the worst of times I never miss Nationals). Also, the only races I worked 
last year were that same 120-mile trip to HPT for a double National and the 
Runoffs. Won't go to 2009 Runoffs, even to work -- too far (Road America). 
I'll do most or all of my local autocrosses. Probably only work the couple 
of races scheduled at HPT.

> 2.       What do you pay for entry fees with the various organizations you
> race with?

Races ~$200. Autocross locally $20, Divisionals ~$60, Nationals $110. 
Outside of local events, travel/lodging is the major expense, not entry 
fees. (and we hope the car doesn't break anything really expensive.) For 
Nationals and Runoffs I worked a deal for a really cheap hotel room 
($38/day) that I won't be able to do next year.

> 3.       How many of the race organizations you race with have corporate
> sponsors to help offset the cost of racing, ie, keep entry fees lower?

None in SCCA Midwest club racing. Autocross has sponsors at 
Divisional/National level, but they don't directly offset entry fees. 
Divisional sponsorship porimarily pays for awards. National covers many 
event expenses. However, I'm sure the money they pump in has helped keep 
entry fees from rising.

--Rocky Entriken
   GP Spitfire

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