[Fot] Bring a trailer

Bill Babcock Billb at bnj.com
Tue May 20 14:20:40 MDT 2008

Neat website, and a great example of the new trend in blogs--making  
money by having attractive content, mostly user-provided, and having  
lots of served advertising on the site that matches the interests of  
any reader. Mark, you should take a good hard look at how this is  
done. It generally takes multiple sites to make this work as a living,  
but I know of people that don't do anything else, and they make a  
darned good paycheck.


On May 20, 2008, at 12:53 PM, colordog.1 at earthlink.net wrote:

> Have you guys seen this site:
> www.bringatrailer.com
> It's a collection of interesting cars for sale.
> Steve
> Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
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Bill Babcock
Babcock & Jenkins
Billb at bnj.com

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