[Fot] fot crank cross drilling

rikrock at aol.com rikrock at aol.com
Thu May 8 13:03:12 MDT 2008

Not exactly;-)

When I say "cross-drilled journal", I'm?talking about?the holes you can easily SEE when you look at the crank.? I don't know what to call the hole (passageway)?inside the crank that carries the oil from the main journal to the rod journal.

So,?my??question is... if you were having a TR4 crank custom built, how many holes that you can easily SEE in the main and rod jounals?ought there? be?? 


Rich Rock

-----Original Message-----
From: DSPGTi at aol.com
To: Rikrock at aol.com; fot at autox.team.net
Sent: Thu, 8 May 2008 4:49 pm
Subject: Re: [Fot] fot crank cross drilling

I believe a stock TR4 crank has one hole drilled thru the crank journal that carries the oil from the main bearing housings into the crank and passes to each rod journal. The stock crank has one set of cross drill holes in the rod journals to carry the oil out to the rod bearings plus a second set, what we are refering to as "cross drilled" at 90 degrees of each other.


Moldex is recommending just single passages on each journal. We think two on the rods and maybe the mains as well? Rich thinks a stock crank has a very small set of holes in the mains but we don't have a crank in our hands right now to look and confirm.


Am I making it clear now?

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