[Fot] Tr-6 crank scrapper

John.Reed at wilson.com John.Reed at wilson.com
Mon Feb 25 12:19:14 MST 2008

I use one on a GT6, and I swear revs come on faster. But that's just me.

No it was not a simple bolt on.

John Reed
Staff Photographer
Wilson Sporting Goods Co.
8750 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago, Illinois 60631, USA
Tel. + 1.773.714.6895, fax +1.773.714.4585
John.Reed at wilson.com  www.wilson.com  www.amersports.com
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"Rob" <19to1tr6 at comcast.net> 
Sent by: fot-bounces+john.reed=wilson.com at autox.team.net
02/25/08 10:46 AM

"Friends of Triumph" <fot at autox.team.net>

[Fot] Tr-6 crank scrapper

Hello, I am wondering if anyone is using a crank scrapper and if there 
discernable performance improvements Also with a stock crank and rods was 
it a
simple bolt on with out any clearance issues.               thanks    rob
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