[Fot] Kas Kastner built Vitesse

Larry Young cartravel at pobox.com
Fri Feb 22 09:57:00 MST 2008

I didn't chime in last time this came up.  Why not keep it vintage 
unless there is a compelling reason not to?  Bill, my experience is 
completely the opposite, i.e. TR gear boxes are strong, plentiful and 
cheap.  Most of us scrounge for out racecar spares.  If you look around, 
you can find a good rebuildable 4 synchro box for $100 or less.  If you 
rebuild it yourself with a close ratio gear set, you'll have a strong 
box with gearing like a 5 speed less 1st gear and the total cost will be 
under $1000. How much is a Toyota box conversion?

I believe SCCA did not allow close ratio gears for many years, so they 
may not be legal with some vintage groups.  Nevertheless, I consider 
them to be a more palatable alternative to a Toyota box.

In Kas' days overdrives were used instead of close ratio gears.  Not 
only for the additional higher gear, but for splitting gears, especially 
to reduce the jump from 2nd to 3rd.  Overdrives (especially A-types) are 
very expensive, because everyone doing a restoration wants one.  
However, an overdrive is really not necessary with close ratio gears, 
because the overdrive gears tend to overlay the next higher normal 
gear.  Of course you have to look at the rear axle ratio too.  Close 
ratio gears with a 3.7 rear and close ratio OD with 4.55 will give 
almost identical ratios for the top three gears.
Larry Young

Bill Babcock wrote:
> transmission replacement is a constant argument. I come down on the  
> side of "why break the few remaining good ones racing them". The  
> toyota trannys are as common as belly buttons, and don't break.

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