[Fot] summer schedules..... soooo what did I miss???

Tony Drews tony at tonydrews.com
Wed Feb 20 19:54:31 MST 2008

In my case, I can only do one or two "big event"s a year, and the 
Glen is mine for this year.  I want to run Beaverun and PGVP (if 
they'll let me, I give that like 25% with my car prep level), but 
it's just not in the cards for this year.

- Tony

At 12:33 PM 2/20/2008, tom strange wrote:
>I'm really confused.
>     The glen is a big name and I know a lot of people want to race 
> there because of that.
>     Beaverun looks like a fun track to me, and one that is much 
> more suited to our cars than the glen could ever be.
>   http://www.beaverun.com/facility_north_road_course.htm
>   and
>   http://www.dunloptires.com/fun/flash/beaverRun.swf for track 
> commentary and video...
>     The people who have been to Beaverun raved about the track, the 
> management, facilities, hospitality, cost, track time etc ...
>     Yet since we have been invited to come, I have seen only one 
> racer, and two autocrossers that are even willing to say they would 
> go there.  There must be some TR racers nearby ...
>     What did I miss.... why does no one want to race there??????
>   I'm puzzled...
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