[Fot] [Bulk] Re: Kas Kastner built Vitesse for Sale Ebay

Paul MacDonald macdonaldp at rogers.com
Tue Feb 19 08:51:22 MST 2008

It is still there. Maybe just my inability to post the link correctly.

If you just search the item number it comes up.


item 170195098537

-----Original Message-----
From: KEVIN LYNCH [mailto:klynch_6 at msn.com]
Sent: February 19, 2008 10:42 AM
To: Fot; Paul MacDonald
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [Fot] Kas Kastner built Vitesse for Sale Ebay

  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Paul MacDonald
  To: Fot
  Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 8:36 AM
  Subject: [Fot] Kas Kastner built Vitesse for Sale Ebay

  Check out this car on Ebay ....sounds like quite the car.

  Paul MacDonald


  [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/ms-tnef which had
a name of winmail.dat]

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