[Fot] PVGP BeaveRun JULY 2008 A Proposal to the Friends ofTriumph

Jerry Van Vlack jerryvv at roadrunner.com
Mon Feb 11 18:11:08 MST 2008

It bounced the first time so here it is again!

> FOT,
> I think it's a great idea that Ralph and Joe have posted.
> Triumphs can have a lot of fun at Beaver Run and I suspect decent track 
> time too.
> One thing to also consider if you want to make a week of it is the 
> Saturday after Beaver Run and during the PVGP races the Western 
> Pennsylvania Triumph Association sponsors British Car Day and have been 
> doing so for more than 20 years. This is our signature event for the year 
> and we have drawn up to 400 various cars for the show. You can't get a 
> better parking place anywhere in Pittsburgh to watch the races. Our 
> contributions to the PVGP Charities have been significant as well and we 
> are proud to be a part of the event every year.
> It really is a unique experience at a very unique venue. Why not enjoy 
> Pittsburgh, it's a well kept secret from too many folks.
> Jerry Van Vlack
> PS: we will again sponser the WPTA Hospitality Tent track side at the 
> Watkins Glen Fall Festival in September. If you miss us in Pittsburgh stop 
> by and see us at Watkins Glen.

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