[Fot] checking bearing clearances

John Herrera jrherrera90 at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 1 20:02:52 MST 2008

> Legal source, in my opinion. Years and years ago, like one hundred> (100)
years ago, most transactions were completed based on pre-printed> forms
(simpler times). There were blanks for numbers (dollars, etc.) to> be written
in followed by blanks with parentheses. I'd suppose this was> because lawyers
have handwriting much like doctors. If I were filling> in a form and
hand-wrote "three" you'd be damn glad of the parenthetical> notation
explaining what the hell that scribble was... We still do it> in the legal biz
out of habit.> > Scott B.

Thanks, Scott. Figgered it was something like that.

John H. (Aitch)

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