[Fot] Make Uncle Jack Smile

Steven Benford Jr sbracing at sbcglobal.net
Mon Dec 15 10:53:22 MST 2008

I received a Christmas card from Francis Drews last week, and that got me
started thinking about how much I miss Uncle Jack.  A man, and his family,
that have touched so many lives.
With this being the Christmas season, I ask that all of you give back to Jack
in some way.  I don't care with who or how much, but please make a donation to
an organization in honor of Jack.  Drop some money in the red bucket, give
something extra to your house of faith, make a donation to the Red Cross /
American Lung Assoc. / Heart Assoc., give blood, take some can goods to a food
bank, etc....  When you do it, think of Jack.  I am faithful that he will most
certainly hear you and smile.

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