[Fot] More news on the Triumph Trans-AmeriCa Charity Drive 2009

John Macartney standardtriumph at btinternet.com
Thu Dec 11 09:46:35 MST 2008

As some of you already know, the Stag that I'm driving next year is now known as 'uncle jack' in 
memory of Jack Drews, who died earlier this year while racing his TR4.
Reconstruction work on the car itself continues apace under 'Stagmeister' Joe Pawlak and his team at 
ISOA and Tim Buja has posted the latest pix of work undertaken this last weekend. You can see those 
pix and the dedication of the Stag in Jack's memory on the event website which is 

Cheers, all
John Macartney

Originator of The Triumph Trans-America Charity Drive 2009

An event for full TRIUMPH Enthusiast participation 

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