[Fot] Fwd: Limited Slip Unit

WEmery7451 at aol.com WEmery7451 at aol.com
Mon Dec 8 16:11:48 MST 2008

Dear FOT,

I would like to thank everyone for their input as to the type of unit this
is, and the manufacturer.  It appears that Michael did a pretty thorough job.

My older brother worked at Eaton for a number of years.  I can vaguely
remember him mentioned these units, or something like them.
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WEmery7451 at aol.com wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> I attempted to attach the pictures.  Bill Emery

Bill, it certainly looks like an old Detroit Locker. The dogs and 
springs look very much like the early ones, as does the case style (very 
similar to the split ring gear flange on the old Ford 9" locker 
carriers).  I would guess it was one of the early ones produced by 
Detroit Automotive Products (DAPCO).  Since the product line has since 
been sold to Tractech, which was, in turn, then sold to Eaton, Eaton is 
the likely place to find parts.  The maker's mark probably isn't going 
to be much help--it's likely the mark of the company doing the carrier 
casting, from the look of it.  There ought to be a model/serial number 
on it somewhere, and I'd guess it's on the ring gear flange, underneath 
the ring gear.



Michael Porter
Roswell, NM

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