[Fot] Re: FlameOut® FE-1301 fire extinguisher system

WILLIAM TOBIN william.tobin3 at verizon.net
Tue Aug 26 16:59:07 MDT 2008

  You might consider the AFFF systems on the market (Pegasus). You can
refill them yourself if need be for about $65. They are water based.
  A friend set his off by mistake and said there was  foam everywhere.
  Just don't let them freeze.
  Good luck, Bill--- Original Message -----
  From: "Glenn Franco" <gaf3 at charter.net>
  To: "Friends of Triumph" <fot at autox.team.net>
  Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:40 PM
  Subject: [Fot] FlameOut® FE-1301 fire extinguisher system

  When I purchased my basket case Spitfire racer a few years ago, a
  FlameOut® FE-1301 extinguisher came with the car.
  It has a remote cable to push a pin out of the extinguisher and a T for
  Does anyone have any experience with this system?
  Where have you placed the nozzles and does anyone know of a source for
  The T is for an inverted flare and the plumbing could be done with brake

  Any help would be appreciated.
  Thanks in advance
  72 Spit Mk IV almost done


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